
Guest Post by Abilaine

Big thank you to Brittany Ann for asking me to guest post. :P

So for those who do not know me, I am Abigail ... but I go Abilaine on Blogger and mostly everywhere on the Internet.  My main blog Abilaine Cottage is right here, if you want to get to know me. I am always excited to meet new people (even though I am quite shy).


  So, I was not quite sure what to post but then I had an idea, and I guess I have a go at it. 
 Even since I could hold a pencil I LOVED drawing. Would spend hours (literally) drawing things for people - mostly my family. And, well, lately I have really been concentrating on my drawing, and I've been kinda wanting to show you guys and gals on Blogger and see what you think.
  So here are some little sketches, my best ones I've done so far (not meaning to brag). 
  Please tell me what you think ... I really want to know how I can improve. :D

Yes, her feet are entirely too small. :)

Cowboy and Cowgirl

I am not sure what he is pointing at but I got inspired for the picture so just drew it.

Just some little kids messing around :D

hehe ... the artist and the poor guy from the next apartment :P

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


  1. Abigail you have never let me see these!!!!!!!!!!!!They are awesome! :)

    1. AWWWW! I'll have to bring my portfolio whenever I see you! :) Thanks girly!

  2. Lovely drawings! I love to find fellow drawers and talk about drawing. You are very good, you should meet my sisters, they LOVE drawing as do I (ok that was worded wired ;)) Anyway, love this post! Glad to get to know you! I am looking forward to your posts!


    1. Thank you so very much Isabella. I like finding people who enjoy art as much as I do as well. :)

      I would love to meet some of Bloggers in real life ... your sisters I am sure can draw wonderfully!!!! hehe!

      Thanks bunches again!

    2. Oh yes, I would love to have a big bloggers get-to-gether, although everyone lives in MANY different places, but it would still be a lot of fun. I found it sort of funny, whenever I follow someone, I find out that their friends with my friends who are friends with other bloggers that I know and so on. It's like what a small world this is when you follow a blog you know :)


  3. I wish I could draw like this! Each girl is so beautiful and seems so sweet - it makes you wish they were all real so you could become friends with them. =D Off to check out your blog now...

    1. Yeah, I have really tried to capture girl's faces! :D I know, I would have so many friends if my drawings WERE real ... but they are kind of (to me at least). I don't know ... it is an artist thing I guess. LOL!

      Thanks for checking out my blog.


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!