
Fashion Post & Missions Update

I haven't done a fashion post on here for some time so I thought I'd do a quick one one on a new spring outfit of mine! I'm not sure about you all but I am so ready for this warmer weather; so glad spring is nearly here.

We had such a beautiful day the other day so my brother snapped some pictures of my outfit real quick!

 I know these pictures aren't the best quality but we were in a hurry! One of these days I'm going to take some time to have a real fashion post with better images and such....but that might not be for a while!

Outfit recap
Necklace- Kohls
Shirt- Walmart
Skirt-Cato (just came in with their new spring items) 
 I also have some exciting news for you all! I will be leaving Monday for a 8 day missions trip to Honduras! I am so excited. Please keep us in our prayers. Pray for our safety and of course that many souls would be saved! Hopefully when I get back I'll have some photos to show you all of the trip. I won't be able to respond to emails for that period of time also, so if I don't reply to anyone during this time just know that I'm unavailable. I will try to respond as soon as possible! 
Have a great week you all...I'm off to go packing! 

Keep shining bright

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


  1. That is so exciting that you're going to the Honduras! I will be praying. :) I really want to go on a missions trip myself!

  2. I'll be praying about your mission trip! That's so cool! I'm going to Kentucky for a mission trip in June

  3. beautiful maxi skirt :) Hope your doing well

    stop by,

  4. Beautiful outfit!
    That is so awesome, how exciting! I will be praying for sure :)

    With Love, Elizabeth @ Whimsical Thoughts

  5. Hey! Congrats on going to Honduras!! :)
    So I've been feeling that God is calling me to be a missionary, but I haven't had an opportunity to know where yet (like a missions trip). I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me?
    Love you!
    Heidi Anne<3

  6. That outfit is absolutely gorgeous!! It looks very put together and classy. :)


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!