
Honduras 2015

So before I went on my missions trip I said I would share with you all an update on the Honduras trip....Finally I've got a video put together. To see pictures of our trip just watch the video below.

15 team members
38,000 Scriptures passed out
Over 150 visitors to the special services
Over 35 people saved.

The Lord truly blessed our trip! It was a time filled of wonderful outreach, and wonderful time spent together as a team. Praise the Lord for the many souls that were saved.

*Ok so the video for some reason is not downloading correctly. To watch it please click on the following link: Honduras video 2015 

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


  1. Lucky! I want to go on a missions trip but at my church, the trips are all aimed towards adults. Hope you have a great Holy Week! God bless! :)

    xoxo Morning

  2. I'm so glad that it was a great time and that you were able to share the gospel with so many unbelievers.
    And by the way, I love your new blog design. The anchor is very pretty. :D


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!