
A Recipe//Guest Post

Today you all get the privilege of reading a guest post by my dear friend, Hope. I hope you all enjoy reading and try out these awesome looking Blueberry Biscuits she made!


  Maybe I'm strange, but I love to bake/cook. I guess in a way it's how my creative side comes out. After a stressful day of school..there is nothing more relaxing(to me) than experimenting with a new cupcake recipe. Maybe your not wired like that, and I understand it's not everybody's thing...but if you have never tried it very much, I would give it a shot. You might be surprised! 
So my challenge to you? Stalk someone's Pinterest board and try out one new recipe this week. Oh and if you want, use this one I just made. Best. Thing. Ever.

~Hope McDaniel

Looks delicious doesn't it? I think I'm definitely going to try making those sometime. So sorry to you all for not posting in ages! I've been so crazy busy trying to finish up school for the year. I can't believe summer is just around the corner-and that I'll practically be considered a Senior in High School in a week! AHH! Time just seems to go by so quickly. I hope to be posting more regularly soon and I've already got a few posts in mind. Have a great week ya'll!

Keep shining bright

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow

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Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!