
3 things we must do for our Country

and there should be NO ONE that tries to take away this soldiers right to openly pray.  

I'm sure all of you have noticed by now (or at least I hope you have) that America has made some terrible decisions in the last month. These decisions have the power to change the course of our Nation--and not in a good way. America is no longer acting like One Nation Under God. It's making decisions without Biblical principles, and our government is trying to push God and Christianity out of the picture. Ronald Reagan once said- “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
    It's very discouraging to me to look at our Country and see how far it's fallen in the last few years; it makes me think about my future. It makes me almost scared to imagine what this world will be like when I'm older and maybe have a family of my own some day.
 America is falling, but it is not yet fallen. 
I know it's easy to look at this world and get discouraged, but we must realize that this world is not what we need to be focusing on. You may say, "there is no hope for us." You might say, "America will never come back to the Lord." And when those words escape your lips you become the one that is hindering our Country. We serve a living Savior. And as long as He is alive there is hope. Hope lies within the Christians of our land who will stand up for right and follow the task that is set before them. 
There is hope. Jesus is that hope. 
Right now there are soldiers in our Army who are fighting for our freedom. WE must also fight for our freedom. Prayer is a powerful force and as good soldiers of Christ and as citizens of the U.S.A it is our duty to pray for our country. There is a battle going on in America. A battle between right and wrong. A battle that Satan would like to win. He wants our country and he wants our religious freedom. But we must stand fast in the Lord and be soldiers of the Cross. 

  While doing my devotions the other day, I came across this verse that really lead me to think about our Country and the attitude that I've had towards it. This verse showed me something I can do to help my country. It showed me what all of us Christians need to be doing every single day to help our Country turn back to the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 5:16- 18 - Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1) We must Rejoice evermore. 
1 Thessalonians 5:16 says," Rejoice evermore." It might seem hard to look at America and rejoice at where it's going, but even though there is much wrong there is still a lot of good. There is still a reason to rejoice! We must rejoice in the fact that we still have religious freedom in our Country. There are still Countries today where Christians are openly persecuted and imprisoned for their faith. There is still a reason to rejoice. And there always will be. No matter what happens in the Capitol--God is still on the throne, and he is always in control. Rejoice in the Lord. He deserves our praise. There will never be a time in which we will not have reason to rejoice in the Lord because of who He is. He is a perfect, Holy God. Make sure you take time to rejoice!

2) We must Pray without Ceasing
America needs prayer more than anything else. Prayer has the power to change the course of our nation. Sadly, most Christians don't realize the immense power of prayer. Christians aren't taking the time to bow the knee before a Just God and pray for our nation. America needs your prayers. It is our duty as Christians to pray. "To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing"   I truly believed that if we started fighting our battles on our knees before God, we'd win every time. It is a weapon more powerful than I think any of us realize. Take time to pray for our Nation!

3) We must In everything give thanks
There will always be so much to thank God for! No matter what comes our way there is always something that God has done in our lives to be thankful for. Don't whine, fret, and complain about where our Country is headed. Thank God for our Country's past and how he delivered us in so many situations. Our Country was founded by men of God. We have a Godly heritage. That is something to be thankful for.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Do you say what it says at the end of the verses? It says- "For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Rejoice evermore.
Pray with out ceasing.
In everything give thanks. 

The will of God for our country is that it would do these three important things. Are you following the Will of God? Are you doing these three important things for our Country? If not-start today! Help America turn back to God. Fight for our country by: 1- Rejoicing evermore. 2-Praying without ceasing. 3- In everything give thanks.

 Ronald Reagan

Keep shining bright

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


  1. Hey! I'm Canadian, so I really don't know very much about everything that's been going on in America these days, what exactly happened? I definitely agree with your points, though. Rejoice, pray for the good, and be thankful!

    1. They legalized gay marriage, and there are a few other things they've done (took down the confederate flag in S.C.)

  2. Hi! I hope you check out my blog and please follow it by email. I hope you enter my current giveaway, and please share with family and friends.

  3. Hey, Britt! :) Sorry I haven't been on here in forever! I've really missed talking and reading posts. :) I think that no matter what happens anywhere, that we should always be praying to God for His will and trust Him that no matter what happens, anywhere, that He will provide, even if it means all of our worst fears happening. Even if it means everyone we love dying because of our faith. Even if it means our own death. Because this world is not our home - our home is with Him. :)


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!