
I have raided Pinterest

Yes I have! So be prepared...

to be amazed....

by my....

Obsessive amount of pins 



SoMe fRoM My bOaRd Pinspiration



hello my name is by Matthew West


^I really do^ 




SoMe fRoM My bOaRd just me!



 so relatable 

Ya, I like do this like every time! LOL




SoMe fRom my BoArD TV, Movies, & more

Storm Troopers #geek 


I cried my eyes out on this part!!!!

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets 

luv these movies!





FrOm My BoARD sPlEndID sTyLe    

"church outfit" by fiddlegrass-ashley on Polyvore 

 plaid and ruffles 

I love this outfit so much!

Creative Guest: Ruffled Tote Tutorial by Blue Robin Cottage  




FrOM tHE bOarD Little cute & cool things 

St. Anne's Academy Equestrian Club ~ Gainesville, VA 







FrOM MY BoArD Laughting out Loud 



 It has happened. 





 Hehe please no! 



My oThEr BoARdS


Things I want to do

Things I want =P

Time 2 Design


Creative Ideas

So totally True

I am a writer at heart


Super Heroes

Disney Princesses



... and if you enjoyed this please tell me and I will do another post on the rest of my Pinterest boards, It's kind of a never ending process; LOL...



Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!