
A writer's journey

As many of you know I am in the process of writing a book...and HOPEFULLY getting it published. Ever since I was a little kid that was my dream. I love to write. I always have! I love the excitement of coming up with plot ideas, making exciting characters, making new worlds. I just LOVE it! But writing can also be difficult...it's a learning process! 
   I know that some of you also enjoy writing and that you also dream of becoming a published author. But you probably like me where asking- where do I start? Once I got really serious about pursuing my dream of getting a book published I started looking for as much info on publishing, agents, etc. as possible! Just recently I read the book How to turn your first draft into a published book
It was SO HELPFUL to me. I would greatly advice that you consider getting this book, it was a great help to me!

Quotes and saying for writers

This list more thoroughly describes my view of my characters and my fiction than any other list I've come across on Pinterest. 
 This quote described me more then any other quote I've seen! It just described being a writer so clear and true.

it really does! 
LOL, yes this is my reading experience.


Which in my case is writing!

 What do you love?

If you are a writer do you plan on publishing your book anytime soon?

comment below

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


  1. I recently purchased GTW, and I still have to receive it in the mail. I can't wait to start reading (and rereading) it. =D

  2. I hope to get my books published. (Make that "someday") :)

  3. I still have to finish my wip. And then I hope to publish it. Love your post title. I always have a laugh that when I see something with my name on it. But it is an awesome post.


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!