Today I just thought I'd do a post on a person who I consider my hero. Now don't get me wrong- my ultimate hero is Jesus! But I really thought I'd do a post about this amazing man in my life =)
My hero's name is: Allen Lee Johnson.
He is my dad.
but he's much more then just that.
He's my protector.
He's my knight in shining armour.
He's my inspiration.
He's my role model.
He's my helper.
He's my partner.
He's my friend.
He's my spiritual leader.
He is my hero.
My dad is an amazing man. Those who have meet him would know what I'm talking about when I say my dad has a passion for souls. It's like something that just burns within him. Many people say that my dad's a great preacher, and by the way he preaches and talks to them they believe he is a great man of God. but many people can just put on a show, but my dad is deeper then that. but I know that my dad is a great man of God by the way he lives.
I'm with him every day, of every week, of every month, of every year. I know him better then anyone (besides my mom of course) I'm not saying he's perfect, I'm not saying he doesn't mess up. We all do. I mess up on a regular basis. But my dad is extraordinary. I love him so much and I know that I fail so many times as a daughter. My dad is my hero. He is the one who stays strong in the Lord when I feel like crumbling apart. He's always there for me. I am so thankful for the wonderful parents God has given me. I am truly beyond blessed.
Who is your hero? Maybe your hero is an actor, actress, singer, or sports star. But these people aren't heroes. and to be honest most of the time they are really, truly not people we should be looking up too. The real heroes are those humble, loving people who are just sold out for the Lord. My dad is seriously one of the humblest people I know. He always puts others first, and he gives God all the glory for everything.
God is my #1 hero. People will always fail us because they are not perfect, but God is. but I believe that God puts spiritual leaders in our life to help us grow in him.
My dad is a hero to me. He's affected my life in more ways then he knows. I look up to him and admire him probably way more then he knows because I fail to show it at times. I'm not a perfect daughter, often I feel like the worst one on earth. But even when I'm awful and in an unloving mood by parents have both still been there for me.
I know so many other people that I could entitle as "heroes" in my life. My mom for one. She's just so amazing too =) but I think that some of the heroes are just the ordinary people in life that sometimes go by unnoticed. Amazing people are defined by character not talent, or fame, or success. I want to be a hero. I want to be used by God like my parents have been. I want to help others through him.
Do you have a hero? I hope your hero is God, but is there someone that he has placed in your life to help and encourage you?
and also I'd just like to add that if you do have a hero or heroes in your life you should tell them how much they mean to you. I think that we take for granted how special some people are. Be a hero today and go tell somebody that you love that you love them. But don't only tell them you love them- show it.
^ this is a picture of me and my hero =)^
and in closing as my good blogger friend would say: "be a hero"
That is so sweet. <3 :)