

OK, so I know that most of us have heard about google friend connect shuting down. I don't know if this is true or not but just to be safe please follow me on bloglovin =)


Oh and I know that some of my followers play the piano and I was wondering- do any of you know of any good websites where I can find free printable music sheets? I've been looking for a good website but I just can't find one! If any of you know of one I would really appreciate it if you could tell me the web address =) Thanks!

Sorry for the short post today guys, I've just been really busy =/ Hopefully I'll post a longer one tomorrow =)

Brittney Johnson is just your average (and crazy) teenage girl serving an extraordinary God. She loves reading amazing books, writing stories, and dreaming about someday publishing a book. She loves to blog and would be so glad if you read her posts, comment, and maybe even follow


  1. Do you play piano? How awesome!!! I do too!! I'm not sure if there are many free sheet music sites out there, there was one I used regularly which had a huge range of free pieces, but they had to close down because they were giving it away without a licence. Since then I've been on the look out, but nothing really has turned up. You can go here: http://yiruma4ever.blogspot.com.au/ and get sheet music for free, only it's just songs written by a guy called Yiruma, which is probably not what you're looking for! Hope you find some though! =D

  2. Hey Brittney! I hope your having a great day! To answer your question about sheet music, the options out there arent many. But there is a guy who writes hymn arrangements, and offers a few pieces for free download. Here is the link http://koertsmusic.com/ and also his piano books are really pretty too..especially the "Getty and Townend Praise Classic" book.
    Miss you!


  3. When I'm looking for free classical piano sheet music, I know of one site that usually has what I'm looking for: cantorion.org
    If it's not on there, it usually lists a place where you might be able to get it free.


Pleas keep all comments pleasing to the Lord!